Its official: I've gone crazy
Why, you ask? Well, I've decided that I am going to run a marathon. I will be participating in the San Diego Rock N Roll marathon on June 4th of this year, as a member of Team In Training, the group that raises funds for Leukemia and Lymphoma research. There are ulterior motives all across the board, mind you; here are some of the reasons I'm doing this
1. I need a challenge now that I"m done with school
2. Training for a marathon will invariably cause me to lose weight
3. My sister's wedding is coming up in September (see 2)
4. I'm going on vacation with a friend of mine who is a size zero (see 2)
5. I need something to add to my extensive list (!) of "Things I have accomplished"
Oh yeah, it's a good deed too. (Let's face it; all of us know someone who has been affected by some form of cancer. I've lost 4 family members to lung cancer alone...another cousin currently has cervical cancer, and an aunt passed away of liver cancer)
That said, I will be hitting EVERYONE up for donations. To avoid the multiple hits you're going to get from me (via email and postal mail) feel free to click on the link below to go ahead and give to the cause. I have to raise $2100, and I need you to help me. And, for those of you who refuse to help me help myself with Tupperware, you owe it to me to help me help someone else.
Donations anyone?