Monday, June 20, 2005

My New Challenge

These challenges will reflect my new mandate of having to "Live poor" and the adventures I have in figuring out how to do it. Today's challenge: Dinner. My cupboards are actually quite well stocked, but my refrigerator is missing some key ingredients. My job is to figure out how to make do without those extras. (Partially because I'm too lazy to go to the store, partially because I'm poor, and partially because I always enjoy a good challenge, and since I don't have any more academic challenges, this is the next best thing.)
"What do you mean" you say? I'll tell you. Currently, I have tortillas, beans, salsa, sour cream....but no cheese or meat. No tacos. No enchiladas. No nachos. Any ideas? (I'm thinking i may have to make some dip). Or, pasta, milk, butter, garlic... no parmesan. Or... chili fixins, beans, tomatoes, onions.. again, no meat.

Accepting suggestions! (And no, I'm not interested in going vegetarian)


Blogger Myasorubka said...

Ok so you have pasta, tomato, and garlick. Woman what more do you need??? I'm sure you have olive oil, and that is all you need to make a tasty pomodoro sauce. If you happened to have any dried basil lying around, now might be the time to use it. If you don't feel free to drive over to your friendly communist gardner friend in Silverlake and she'll be happy to supply it.

10:23 AM

Blogger Skerlie Bee said...

fabulous! I may drive over anyhow! And you know me well enough to know that indeed, I do have olive oil!And I DO have basil! Woohoo! I have accomplished lunch!

11:44 AM

Blogger Nick said...

Tortillas, beans, salsa, and sour cream sounds like a pretty decent meal to me. Make yourself a nice fat burrito with that.

11:06 PM

Blogger Myasorubka said...

Excuse me... I accomplished lunch! >:(


12:31 AM

Blogger Skerlie Bee said...

They're corn tortillas. No burrito. And I broke down and bought cheese. Thus, I have a meal.Looks like vegetarian tacos. Combine that with the tortilla soup I made from the Tupperware Cookbook, and I'ma be full!

And yes, Rossanna you have helped ME accomplish lunch :op

5:39 PM


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